Over the last two weeks, there have been important changes to the LMIA process which will have a significant impact on...

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Ellie Slavens
Canadian Immigration: Helping with Labour Shortages in Long-Term Care Homes
Immigration programs have become an important component in helping to alleviate the pressure faced by the long-term care sector in Canada.
Canada Introduces Pilot Program to Combat Labour Shortages
Citizenship by investment programs have gained significant popularity in recent years as an avenue for individuals seeking a second citizenship or residency. These programs provide an opportunity to obtain citizenship or residency rights in exchange for making an investment in the country. Many countries offer golden visa programs, however, those offered by Antigua and Barbuda, Greece, and St. Kitts and Nevis are some of the leading programs globally.
The September 26th amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations in a nutshell
Regulatory amendments to strengthen protections for temporary foreign workers recently came into force on September...
Amendments to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations now in force
In the 2016 report of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of...